all postcodes in YO13 / SCARBOROUGH

find any address or company within the YO13 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO13 0AA 3 0 54.315349 -0.448512
YO13 0AB 27 1 54.330746 -0.44927
YO13 0AD 24 1 54.332627 -0.445908
YO13 0AE 59 3 54.336179 -0.448881
YO13 0AG 22 0 54.333776 -0.451386
YO13 0AH 4 0 54.334603 -0.452094
YO13 0AJ 9 0 54.33637 -0.447613
YO13 0AL 12 0 54.337808 -0.450404
YO13 0AN 23 0 54.337478 -0.45134
YO13 0AP 16 0 54.337854 -0.447742
YO13 0AQ 8 0 54.334575 -0.450649
YO13 0AR 30 2 54.343739 -0.44612
YO13 0AS 4 0 54.338944 -0.448593
YO13 0AT 14 0 54.34475 -0.441574
YO13 0AU 6 1 54.35757 -0.451569
YO13 0AW 6 0 54.344756 -0.460281
YO13 0AX 9 0 54.361198 -0.467531
YO13 0AY 6 0 54.365102 -0.467755
YO13 0AZ 8 0 54.371456 -0.477851
YO13 0BA 12 0 54.332165 -0.448463